Hey fellas... so yesterday I went to my first GBA show yesterday and had an absolute blast. But after the show we all got together in a room for a raffle and some political talk concerning the game fowl community... guys please... your local GBA needs the numbers. If you aren't part of the GBA either locally to you, the national GBA or even both... please join. It's 25$ a year and these guys are the first line of defense to our rights. We as a community are being bullied by unjust laws and unjust seizures of our property then bullied into a plea deal by being threatened with jail time. Its time we stand and fight back but we have to stand together guys. We have to back our GBAs because they are going to state and federal legislators and fighting on our behalf. We need to have our fellow cockers backs when they get hemmed up... show up 100 deep at the court house and tell them that we will not stand for unfair treatment. In one day I heard of a man who was forced to leave his property while the sheriff and the **** came in and killed every bird on his yard because they "suspected him of cockfighting". They didnt catch him in the act... they just assumed because he had gamefowl he must have been fighting them. Another group of gentleman had the police come in on them while they were all sitting around eating dumplings... they had birds and heels but were not engaging in fights... everyone got locked up and now they are being threatened with 2 years jail time if they don't take a plea deal... guys please... 25$ a year is a small price to pay for support of a group that fights for our community. Keep yourself educated on new bills being brought to the floor. Know your legislators and representatives and keep them on speed dial... let your voice be heard or we will be silenced forever and the next generation will never be able to enjoy our fowl. Thank you if you made it this far into my rant. Yfis