Left for work this morn after feeding and all was good ...all the free range stags where there and all adult fowl accounted for ...When i come in ..in the eve i go slow up drive to look at the cocks working the the cage knowing im in and almost feed time ..As i started up the drive i was looking to the first pen and nothing moving in pen so i stoped truck in middle of drive and started walking over the closer i got the more it became real my prized sweater cock in pen with his head pulled out the back side DEAD FEATHERS EVERY WHERE ...LOOKED AROUND AND FOUND OUT I HAD LOST 4 CROWING SIZE STAGS THAT WHERE FREE RANGING ....SOME OF MY PICKS ....THIS HAPPENED IN DAYLIGHT HR,S .....THIS SUCKS .....The bad thing about it is the prized sweater cock i had given to my young grand sons who he had named chase .....now i have to tell him the bad new,s