So i have 4 hens and all except one are laying. The 4th just got done sitting on eggs so she should start back soon enough. Anyways one brood pen has 2 milk crates filled with hay for boxes, had to use what I had around. The second brood pen has a box I made at the shop with a divider in between it, no top to it though just sides. My problem is all 4 hens crap in the boxes and I'm having to clean them daily and throw out eggs that get any runs on them. Would closed boxes fix the problem? There is a roost going across each pen big enough for 5 or 6 chickens to perch on during the day but the hens tend to gravitate towards there open boxes and you know where it goes after that. Any input would be appreciated. I don't mind handling chicken hockey. But making it a daily routine and wasting eggs is starting to grind on my nerves.