OK fellas I'm not great with using a bator, so my dad does the hatching for me. That's what he likes to do so it works out for the both of us. But the last 2 years we have been having trouble getn a decent hatch rate. Every Sunday i take him the eggs from my broodpens, he sets em that nite. Well what's strange is one week we will have a terrible hatch rate then the next it will be better, then bad again. Then 1 week we will almost hatch 100%.His broodpens are hatchn a lil better then mine. But still not like they should. And to make it worse its the good stuff that ain't hatch worth a hoot. Out a 2 doz Goode grey eggs we gotn 4or5 chicks. That is out of two diff broodcocks. My dad says they start to hatch then die halfway out. This is with all the fowl not just my Grey's. Any ideas what the problem mite be???