So there has been post about coccidiosis and medicating chickens. I picked up a cock the other day of some new blood lines on the yard. He looked a little pale. He was thin too. I put him in the cock house in a 2x2. I cleaned out the stall to bare plywood. I gace have him a worm pill and a double feeding. Now today I checked his droppings, and there was blood. So I went and bought Sulmit. Now before this my son wanted to bring me across the street and show me the new chicks at the old man's house. We go in there and I noticed this cock who is sick. His head is drooping he don't look good at all. Now here is the funny part my son comes across the street from the old man's property. And he tells me he was over there with big papa. He said he told Big Bopper my dad doesn't mess with sick chickens. He cuts their head off. I started laughing I said what big poppa say period he says he said I don't want to cut his head off laugh out loud. Those Asils wouldn't be on my ward anyways but that's another story story